Lorena Canals. Cushion star nude

Lorena Canals
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If you order today, we'll ship it on Tuesday, June 6, after the Pentecost break.

Create your own constellation with these stars... Available in the prettiest colors, to make you shine! Star-shaped cushion, made from 100% cotton and filling in 100% polyester. It is very soft and pleasant to the touch, perfect for children's rooms decor because it is machine-washable and, for child safety reasons, the cover does not have zippers or buttons, so it does not need to be removed when washed. It perfectly matches more romantic rugs.

SKU LOR-SC-ST-NU Dimensions 54 x 54 cm Color Light pink
  • Composition: Cover: 97% cotton - 3% other fibres / Filler: 100% polyester
  • Handmade: Carefully handmade one by one and in a traditional way
  • Eco-friendly: Natural cotton and non-toxic dyes
  • This product complies with all quality and safety regulations for children. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001 certified
  • Light thanks to their soft and flexible composition
  • Easy to combine: you can combine it with other elements to create a warm and cozy atmosphere
  • Without removing the stuffing, machine wash separately using a delicate, 30?C program without whitening.
  • Use a light soap, and do not use softeners.
  • Do not leave in the machine once the wash has finished, as the colors may run or stain other parts of the cushion.
  • Tumble dry at a low temperature.
  • Avoid drying in the sun.
  • Don't worry if lint appears, as this is residue fiber produced from cutting the cotton.
  • Should you find any long or loose threads, cut these using a pair of scissors. Never pull threads.
  • Keep away from fire.
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Lorena Canals

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